Building Expert – Fast Start Guide to Success Team Team

Cover Image for Building Expert – Fast Start Guide to Success Team Team

Welcome to the Building Expert program!  This program exclusively establishes you as the go-to “expert” for building residents and buyers interested in the buildings of your choice.  The unique program is offered by – the leading condo marketing site in the world. Building Experts are provided with a comprehensive suite of online and offline marketing tools to help stand out amongst the crowded marketplace of real estate professionals and to make money in top buildings.

Once you select your building, our team of condo marketing experts help you brand and market yourself allowing you to do what you do best – show and sell condos.   We take the often complex and tedious work of online marketing, search engine optimization, and postcard design and fulfillment off your plate so that you have a full marketing program working for you behind the scenes.

Our program helps you tap into millions of dollars of annual listings and sales in a specific building.  Although the program has no contracts and is month-to-month, we recommend that agents commit 3-6 months to become the expert and “go to” resource in the building. The key to marketing is continuity and it is important for the building residents to see your post cards and branding month-after-month so that you become top of mind when they are ready to sell or engage your help.

Agents ask us if we are a “mailing house” and couldn’t they order post cards and mail on their own?  Yes, anyone can mail to building residents, but only a Building Expert is featured by, a highly regarded objective authority for condos. We have spent millions of dollars building our brand and the ability to have the exclusive endorsement of is a very valuable aspect of the program. The power of the brand promoting you and presenting you as the expert cannot be done on your own.

To help you get started, here are 8 easy steps to follow and ensure you are getting the most from the program:


Immediately set-up your building profile with contact information and a high-quality image

You would be amazed by how many agents provide a bad image and wonder why sellers and buyers do not contact them – image is everything.  Our Postcard Builder tool allows you to select from three high-impact templates and view the final print-ready design in minutes. It typically takes 10-14 days for the first set of resident post card mailings to go out, and subsequently they go like clockwork each month while you are the Building Expert. The faster you provide your data, the faster we mail!


Make sure you personalize your welcome message on the Building Page

We’ve provided a big area for the Building Expert to welcome building-specific buyers and sellers with a unique welcome message. The user experience should be more like a chat with a friend versus a cold lead form. Don’t know, or need help with what to say – our condo marketing team can help.


Add 1-2 great building reviews has the largest database of building reviews. Potential buyers look at reviews and as the expert, your review will help capture business. Be sure to add reviews.  If you see negative reviews on the building, please advise us.


Review the content on your Building’s page and let us know if the images, floor plans and other content is complete or needs further curation

Our team is happy to add additional photos, videos and floor plans for you.


Check out the Building Report section in your account and send branded reports to your clients and prospects

A key part of our program is the monthly Building Report that we send on your behalf to building residents and buyers that have indicated an interest in the building. We typically have ~ 25% of the resident emails and constantly grow the list with new requests.  The report can be customized with your own personal message and we encourage you to use the self-service tool in your account to send the report to others..


Mail, mail and mail again

The Building Expert Deluxe program includes 100 high quality, high-impact, double-sided postcards sent to residents each month. Many buildings have 100’s of units and, for best success, we recommend that you mail at least 100% of the residents each month for a minimum of three months.  It really is about the repetition of your message.  It may take 2 or 3 mailers for you to be noticed – but well worth the marketing effort.  We handle the postcard set-up, production and mailing, making it easy to mail more cards based on the number of units in your building.  Call us today to discuss additional postcards.


Feature your listings for free

Additional value from the Building Expert program is the ability to feature your listings on A featured listing normally costs $99 / month. Post two listings and program pays for itself.  Call our team and have your listings featured front and center to our global audience.  This is also a great sales tool to help close seller listing engagements!


Leverage the brand

We’ve spent millions of dollars developing the leading condo marketing website. The exact-match domain further establishes our leadership as an objective authority in the space.   Share your expertise and branding as the Building Expert on with potential buyers and sellers, including exclusive benefits they will only get by using you.  Leverage our tools and powerful brand to win listings.

TaggedBuilding ExpertCondosMarketingReal EstateReal Estate Professionals